Clouds of the Soul 4.

Clouds of the Soul 4.


Listen to me. . . the words are mist, a cloud too close, veiling the real person.


  1. Do you know when someone is talking to you and you can’t relate and you just wait for them to stop – so you can try talk to them about something that actually makes sense? So this is about that. How the words people say can be absolutely irrelevant or even misleading.
  2. It’s about secrets or differences in opinion, about silent protest and letting it go.
  3. It is a really petite one and whereas I wouldn’t get away with it in a larger painting with r and r backround, mustard works. And mustard is my adult favourite color. I think there is something absoutely deliciously clashing between the copper and this unique mustardy color. I would actually just look at how weird it is, the mustard and the copper together.
  4. Well, we talked about people experiencing miscarriages differently. I am absolutely flabbergasted about my friends having had terminations. On one hand, I feel sick from the th weird feelings.
  5. Surprisingly I feel it’s a fun little piece. At the same time it has something medieval in it, with the aura and the light and the madonna-y downcast look.
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Additional information


Oil on Glass


H 130 mm x W 130 mm


1. Spatial (Height)
2. Spatial (Width)
3. Spatial (Depth)
4. Time
5. Associative