Clouds of the Soul 5.
Ask for help. . . the wind of love is going to carry you into the sunshine again.
- On this picture this woman is standing in the wind waiting while, again, feeling and thinking stuff you can’t see or guess.
- It’s about going for a walk, passersby walking the opposite, and we all don’t care, don’t know. It’s about walking in an impenetrable bubble of our own life’s emotional skin, safe but also anaesthetised.
- I have to realise these are all indeed about loosing a pregnancy afterall. Once I was told the baby’s little heart is not beating, I asked to be able to go and give birth and they let me. it was two days later he was born. We had two days together, my dead little baby in my pregnant tummy and I, doing groceries, picking up the rest of the kids, slowly bleeding away. And you know what? I still don’t think he was dead then. I think my bloodflow was strong enough to pump the blood around in his tiny body for him to live, even if his heart didn’t beat. We lived life together a bit. Oh how I am missing him.
- It’s the memory of those two days, incredibly precious and gone.